Friday, November 18, 2022

To Choose The Best Eprescription Software, Use This Checklist

Because of regulatory requirements, many practices across the country are being forced to e-prescribe medications. With 40% of states requiring Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMP) or Electronic Prescription of Controlled Substances, the need for more practices to have an eprescription software base program is growing rapidly. States that do not currently have mandates are expected to do so in the future. Some states will require both PDMP and EPCS beginning in 2022. With this in mind, how do practices that do not currently use e-prescribing software choose the best platform for their practice? Meditab has resources to assist your practice in making an informed decision for a more efficient, safe, and compliant office.


What Exactly Is E-prescribing Software?

To put it simply, e-prescribing software allows you to electronically prescribe medications via a computer, tablet, or smartphone. A computer system that assists healthcare providers in managing patient medical records and automating clinical workflows is known as EHR EMR software. A provider sends a prescription request directly to a pharmacy from their e-prescribing platform, eliminating the need for handwritten prescriptions, faxes, or phoned-in medication requests. When it comes to filling new prescriptions or requesting electronic refills, providers typically have access to their patients' prescription benefits, medication history, and allergies through an e-prescribing software system. Telemedicine solution is the practice of providing care to patients remotely when the provider and patient are not physically present. Doctors can now consult with patients using HIPAA-compliant video-conferencing tools thanks to advances in technology.


Choosing e-Prescribing Software


As previously stated, for many, it is critical to have an eprescription software in place at your practice right now, while for others, it is critical to be looking for one for future needs. This is still a worthwhile investment for practices that will not be required to e-prescribe. Let's go over the selection procedure now.

      Planning -

     Will your practice prefer a standalone or integrated e-prescribing solution?

      Is e-prescribing available if you already have an EHR?

      Will your current system be compatible with a new standalone e-prescribing platform?

      Is your practice interested in the entire suite or just the e-prescribing module?

      Do you require Electronic Prescription of Controlled Substances or PDMP capabilities?

     Is your clinic prepared to start e-prescribing medications?

      If you're going through this process, hopefully the answer is yes!

      What do you hope to achieve with e-prescribing in your practice?

     Is the goal of the selection regulatory compliance, safety, efficiency, or something else entirely?

      What should your e-prescribing software do?

     The ability to use practice hardware to send new prescriptions directly to pharmacy computers.

     The software's ability to receive and respond to refill requests.

     Capability to report.

     Communication between the practice and pharmacies is two-way.

     Drug-drug interactions and drug-allergy warnings.

     Chart labels and favorites lists are examples of user tools.

      When will your practice go live?

     Be honest with your vendor to ensure that this is possible!

      What is the budget for your practice?

      What other projects are you working on at your office?


      Research -

     Do you have any vendors in mind for e-prescribing software?

     Investigate vendors using videos, websites, and online collateral.

     Reduce your search to three to five vendors who meet the necessary benchmarked criteria.

     Contact the vendors you've chosen to discuss your requirements, desires, and anticipated go-live date.

     From the discussions, create a list that could include the following:-

      Will the solution work with your current PM and/or EMR?

      Is the vendor CEHRT 2015 Edition certified?

      Is this a user-friendly solution?

      What is the onboarding procedure for the vendor?

      How does the vendor provide support for their product? Is that local help?

      Will there be any additional charges for upgrades?

      Are you going to be able to import data from another system?

     Demos should be requested.

     Request estimates.


      Compare -

     Examine the quotes and pricing from the vendors you're interested in.

     Be realistic about pricing, and keep in mind that prices will vary and include various implementation components (training, customization packages, add-ons, etc.).

      If you have any questions, go over this with the vendor so you know exactly what your money will get you if you choose this vendor.

     As one or two vendors emerge as frontrunners in your selection process, be forthright about pricing.

     Be honest about your thoughts on the product, pricing, and so on.

     In order to feel more confident in your decision, request case studies and references.

     Inquire if there are any special offers available if you sign within a certain timeframe.

     Sign the deal, onboarding paperwork, EULA, BAA documents, and submit payments once everything is in order.


The medical software company can automate a variety of tasks that are routinely performed in the healthcare industry. Choosing a new software solution for your practice is a difficult task, but knowing what to expect and planning ahead of time makes the process much easier. Please let us know how we can assist you. Do you need e-prescribing software for your practice? Meditab’s eprescription software is available as a standalone solution, or you can use it in conjunction with our full EMR.

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